Temporary Export Manager in the United States

The Temporary Export Manager is a professional specialized in internationalization strategies who, for a limited period of time, takes care of the foreign commercial development of a company in outsourcing. The objective of the TEM is to launch or consolidate the presence of Italian companies in foreign markets, developing development strategies and acquiring and managing new customers.

The activities performed by the Temporary Export Manager are generally:

  • Market analysis and research, for companies that are not yet present on foreign markets and that need support in planning an internationalization strategy;
  • Identification of potential industrial and/or commercial partners and acquisition of new customers;
  • Organizational, legal, contractual and fiscal assistance;
  • Training of internal staff on business internationalization.

To facilitate SMEs in approaching foreign markets, the Ministry of Economic Development has published in recent years various tenders for the assignment of vouchers to encourage the use of Temporary Export Managers, with service companies active in the field of internationalization accredited by the MISE.

Gen USA offers Temporary Export Management services, making senior professional companies resident in the USA available, whether or not they belong to the team, to plan and implement internationalization strategies towards the United States (also by taking advantage of the vouchers made available by the MISE).

Contact us for more information and to understand how the Temporary Export Management service works with Gen USA.